Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting Healthy 2011

So 2012 is here and to be cliche I have decided this is the year to get the healthiest I have ever been.  I have been taking baby steps thus far - exercising regularly-ish, eating healthy (sometimes), and seeing a personal trainer once a week.  But I have decided that this year is going to be different.  Time to be who I am  meant to be.  Someone who is active, looks good in skinny jeans, and is happy.  No doubt skinny bitches are happier than me.  (Well, maybe not, but I think I would be pretty happy if I could rock a bikini.)  So I'm starting this blog to see if it might help keep me accountable.

The stats-
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 174lbs  (I am not small!)

So this week so far I have been eating relatively gluten free to try to decrease my carb intake.  So far so good.  Things I said no to today:  donuts, tuna pasta salad, grilled cheese, maple cookies, and gummy fruit snacks.  This is not just saying no in my head, but out loud to people asking me if I wanted these delicious albeit no good for you treats!  So gold star to me for the day!  This is just the beginning, can't wait to see how good looking I will be by the end of this year!